yes all finished for now. Yes I still have foot to buy and paint, but a show in 2 and1/2 weeks (Cavalier) so maybe I will spend some money then. But for now my least ECW Cavalryman.
Yes I know I am "light" on guns and holsters and that he should have some to be truly authentic. They are still on the sprue and the sprue has wandered off at present so for now no horse pistols. Sorry if that disappoints anyone but I have to go with what I have and not an ideal.

I decided to fit a different weapon. This one is holding a warhammer. Given he has a sword by his side already I decided a different weapon was most appropriate. That being the case I simply cut the sword off and added a warhammer. The hammer was on the sprue so I believe it to be contemporary and as it made a pleasant change from swords or pistol was the only real option. IF I still had the pistol holsters then I would have selected pistols. But as I am not at this precise time sure where they are that was not really an option. Shame but what else could I really do without spending more money.

The 3rd pic shows them all together and quite a splendid bunch they are too. As mentioned in the first post they are not destined for an ECW army but for a few skirmish games in this period. Maybe Donnybrook (probably not) or witchfinder general or en garde.. I like the rules to each of them and I want to like the period. But I was put off at a young age by some "Friends" in the sealed knot. My hang up no one elses. I take full responsibility for my hang ups! 30 years war no problem but ECW leaves me cold. I know stoop[id but that's just my hang up!

Just for Roy who wanted a top down view is the last pic. In awnser to your un-asked questions. I first superglue the figure to a base. Then add filler (£! land does one I use most). The filler stops the "Step" between figure and base. I then add sand (usually only attached with paint.) When dry I give a coat of paint. (Black for Urban bases). Add a brown area (usually quite small). Dry brush with 2 different greys (on the Black and 2 different browns on the brown). Then static grass is added (again with supereglue). Then when all is dry (which does not take long) varnish with a spray varnish. Finally Photograph them and put them on the blog.
Well that is my bases procedure. It really is a case of finding what suits you.
That's it for the day. Weather is horrid here, Hope yours is better. next time some ODD WW2 tanks.
Until then, take care have fun and paint if you can. Best wishes Clint
Another great addition to the unit Clint, they do look very good all together
ReplyDeleteThank you Dave. I plan some ww2 next time. (if they come out okay tonight). While I have always steered away from ECW I must admit I have enjoyed them immensely.
DeleteI don't mind the variety of weapons you have for these figures. It helps make each one unique, which is great if you're using them in skirmish games.
ReplyDeleteThank you Bryan. I totally agree. It makes each figure easy to tell apart from the rest. But I must do some foot troops as well soon, just to cover all the bases. (To be honest I only wanted 1 mounted but it was cheaper to just buy a sprue of 4 than an individual metal figure. Which is kid of crazy!)
DeleteI think the horses look cool unencumbered by all the stuff such riders of the period would have piled on them if they were going into battle and firing pistols at the point of contact. The assortment of weapons for the riders and the light cavalry horses works well for the skirmish look in my opinion. And I've often wondered about the various single-handed hammers when using claw hammers - saying that, I've imagined myself with double-handed hammers when swinging sledge hammers. I won't going into my imagining at the timber merchants, carrying long lengths of timber like I was charging my pike! :)
ReplyDeleteCheers for the photo of the basing, and the explanation. Like I've said before, I really do admire how you do them.
The weather is horrible here. Snow. Rain. Cold. Water coming through the back bedroom bay window roof. Another job to put on the to-do list.
Thanks Roy if you need a step by step walk through of the basing progress just ask. (And give me a few weeks).
DeleteOther than that I really will start some foot soon. !) figures will be more than enough so again a single sprue is all I need.
That aside, Ugly tanks next in 15mm. Tanks so ugly only their mothers could love them (and wierdos like me). After that maybe Aeronef I will have to wait and see. At this stage it could be anything. (Start it tonight)
I think this is my favourite of your "ECW" cavalrymen to date, Clint, marvellous painting, and a great little tutorial on your bases too.
ReplyDeleteThank you Blax. Just been naughty and ordered 1 sprue of Scots Covenanters which should give me either 12 or 13 figures for my foot. Yes 1/2 Pike and 1/2 firearms but I may fiddle about with a few and add swords instead..... better game balance (wink wink,)Okay maybe just because I think it is better that way and not based on reality.
DeleteThat is a handsome job!
ReplyDeleteThank you Jonathan. I HOPE I can do the foot as well as the horse.
DeleteThey all look great. Nice work on getting them all done. You seem to be enjoying these judging by how quick they are getting done.
ReplyDeleteThank you Simon. To be honest I was enjoying them having steered clear of the English Civil War for all my life. Which came as a really big surprise to me. The Foot are now sent for and should be here (with luck) by the weekend. So again with luck, I can crack on with them next week.
DeleteAnother great figure to finish off the group
ReplyDeleteThank you Joe. I have just had confirmation that the foot have been sent this morning. So maybe start them next week.