Thursday 22 March 2018

progress is slow.

It is kind of like 1 step forward a massive re think 4 steps to the right, 1 step back, 2 steps to the Right and a few inches forward and then a load of doubt! You get the idea.

So instead of making scenery/terrain I painted up possibly the easiest things imaginable. Which is to say 2 "Tire Trips" from Ainsty Castings (Oh go on here is a LINK).  Will they be used? The awnser is Yes, I already have 2 ideas for them as I restart today my Dieselpunk idea.

In case you cannot see each base is 2 tires sunk 1/2 way into the ground. As I start to take a single step to the left it is possible I might have a WIP post next! Ahh but what for, that is the question!

So until next time a very indecisive Clint out for now and maybe back in a day or 2.

All the best Clint


  1. It is better to get something done than nothing and best of all, you have a use for these tyre traps, so that's a win right there.

    1. Thank you Bryan. I hope to have something more interesting done for next time. (And more useful)

  2. If only all our figures were as easy to paint!

    1. Thank you Ray. Unfortunately someone would enter them in the AHPC if they were all easy.

  3. I originally thought you were scratch-buiding a vehicle when I saw the pic.
    I've been collecting model tyres for a while, for a tyre wall, but still not got enough; I'll be interestedin seeing these 'in action'.

    1. Thank you Joe. I have started a Dieselpunk vehicle. But too early to show it at present. But hold on one is in the works.

  4. I always find we learn as much from our failures as we do from our successes so keep at it Clint, and a break can often be the distraction we need for our brains to work out the solution to the problem

    1. Thank you Dave. If we learn more from our mistakes I must be very wise and learned indeed. Unfortunately I am not, as I do tend to repeat mistakes.

  5. Progress is always good, even if it is slow. You will be back on top form before you know it.

    1. Thank you Michael. Slow progress is far better then no progress at all.


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