Saturday 18 August 2018

RA gun crew Crimean War

Yes Painted for Matt.  They are of course Foundry and 28mm in size. Very simply one 6 (or maybe 9) pounder and a crew of 4. If there had been a sergeant with the unit he should have a gold band around the hat but enlisted men had red. But no sergeant  so nothing this time to worry  about.  I doubt that will be the case next time.

While I have no love for the period it is a pleasant period to paint. (He says before Matt passes the Russians on to paint, which I am sure will take some getting used to!). Overall a nice bunch for the weekend.

As I know what they plan at the club tomorrow I may well give it a miss. It is not that I hate the period. Far from it! BUT I do hate the version of the rules they will choose to use.  Enough of what has not happened yet, As I ponder what I shall do next! (It may be more Lion Rampant, Aeronef or it may be something entirely different!) But I have a free afternoon so I know it will be something!

Anyway enjoy the weekend and with luck see you Monday!


  1. Great looking gun and crew Clint, hope you have a great weekend with which ever endeavour you decided to do

    1. Thank you Dave. I am veering towards an easy finish on a something which has been hanging around a good 6 months!

  2. Whilst I have no interest whatsoever in this period there's no denying that you've done a great job on painting this gun and crew.

    1. Thank you Bryan. I have no interest in the period either so fully appreciate your comment!

  3. Marvellous quartet, Clint, and once again your stunning basing technique really helps showcase the wonderfully dark uniforms and red piping. Corking cannon too :-)

    1. Thank you Blax. I shall see if he has more for me to paint today. You may be seeing a lot more of them!

      Meanwhile back at the painting table I have gotten side tracked onto a bit of WW2!

  4. A war I'm have no love for too (as a game), though great job on the crew - it could almost pass as a vignette.


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