Thursday 5 April 2012

Have I got news for you!

Here we have a news team, a very modern take on warfare. Yes there have been war artists throughout history and journalists even poets yet to me it seemed to change with the Vietnam conflict. I think It has also changed more recently when you think about the self published works from mobile phones, facebook, twitter and youtube. However that part of journalism will not play a major part in my Afghanistan game. A film crew on the other hand could well be useful. Here we have "Fake Adie" a cameraman, sound engineer and a photographer-newspaper journalist. The figures are by MJ Figures ( but Britannia (Available from Andrew Grubby from here ) also make a film crew. I have christened her "Fake Adie" but I am sure various players will come up with other perhaps more inventive names some of them more erhmm... shall we say "colourful". Overall I am happy how they have come out and are finished except for some tufts and varnish. I have had to send for more tufts so as soon as they arrive job done.

This pic is a quick snap of me "entertaining" my nephew with an impromptu 7ombie TV game. This is just about the last turn when the survivors (played by James) get into the vehicle and head for the sunset. Just played quickly and for a break from 40k (Grrrrr) so I can get a little sanity back. Being 12 he's not overly keen on letting me take any time to set a game up and wants it rolled out there and then. So minimal terrain but at least we got to roll dice. Overall not too bad a game as he won by escaping but I did manage to wound both of his survivors.
I have not managed to even start the first board yet, although perhaps given the long weekend I might manage to. I really need to get going now as BROADSIDE is 2 months away. Still no more babysitting now as my sister has collected James and although I expect him to visit over the weekend both because it is his birthday and to collect Easter Eggs. As a Birthday Pressie I got him a model of an x-wing despite the unsubtle hints about Orks for 40K. The hints were just a little two late, he should have dropped them last week, not this. Oh well I have never known anyone to complain about getting star wars x- wing models I know I wouldn't.

Anyway back to wargaming and away from family waffle. As mentioned above Broadside is 2 months away. Not time to panic just yet as I am getting there. I have all the Taliban I think I need undercoated at the very least and anticipate them being finished over next weekend. Then It will be on with the Brits.

As a show we are now full, 36 traders many from very far away Hull, Sheffield, Dorset, Nottingham etc. 14 Local clubs, and some more on a reserve list and 26 planned games including several put on by traders. Talking of which I had an email from one of the traders asking to borrow some of my scenery, (Phil from Pen and Sword.) My local readers should know he was for many years a member of the Rainham club so more of a friend to me so I am happy to help him out if I can. He also wanted to borrow 2 Franco-Prussian armies as well for a set of rules recently published. That I can't help with having never even played a Franco-Prussian game. It's just a period that does not appeal.

Well that's today's offerings. Should post again on Saturday. Thanks for reading and take care all. Cheers Clint.


  1. Nice camera crew. Zombie gaming is great nuff said

  2. Great figures Clint, very nice painting.

  3. Good looking news crew, are they 20mm figures though like the rest of MJ's moderns ?

    1. Yes they are 20mm. And to be honest they were an impulse buy but a happy one.


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