Thursday 19 April 2012

Technically Speaking

Given that in the last game the Taliban were out-gunned I painted up another technical. It had a couple of "bullet holes" aka casting bubbles across the bonnet so I thought I would enhance then and give the vehicle a shattered wind screen. Sometimes it's just easier than trying to patch a model up. The two guys in the back are not fixed in place. I was unsure if the 12.7mm HMG should face forward or backwards this way both options are covered and the third option of being a civilian vehicle is also available. Instinctively I do put the gun facing forward, as did Kev in the game where he controlled it. Having looked at a few pictures from "technicals" from around the world seem to be evenly split between forward and read firing weapons. (I have even seen one that was "Designed" to fire from one side only. My guessing is that they use whatever works. Back to talking about the firepower difference, if we look at the difference between a British WW2 Battalion and a Modern Company, the modern company is about 40 times larger in terms of firepower or so I was reading last night. To me that's a massive disparity.I have just about finished the Taliban now. 8 more on the painting table all RPGs and LMGs. As I think that they might be the things I run out of especially if they break down into weapons teams. The advantage of weapons teams is that they get more firepower with a dedicated assistant to the gunner or grenadier. The disadvantage is that they are vulnerable in terms of morale. After all if it's just you and one other and the 'other' takes a wound there is more chance that you'll be next. I did send off for a couple more Afghan items last night but only a small order and nothing vital.  Just a few figures which may not get used even if I do get them painted in time... Another load of goats for example. Finally here is yet another vehicle. A donkey and a cart. Just a piece of slow moving terrain to block roads and generally get in the way. No I have not sent for more, one should be enough.
Well that's today's news. I'll post again on Saturday. Till then take care and happy Blogging! Cheers Clint


  1. Those vehicles/technicals are great and the cart is a great vehicle for searching and making grunts nervous!

  2. They all look great. Like the glass effect you've done on the jeeps

    1. Truth to admt the paint reacted on the red one and gave a crackle effect. SO I went wuth it.

  3. As Brummie said, love the cracked windscreen effect!


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